Call for abstracts is now open
Deadline submissions: 15 February 2024
With great pleasure we hereby inform you that it is now possible to submit your abstract for the 2024 Global One Health symposium in Wageningen via the portal.
We invite you to select the session in which your oral or poster presentation fits best. Have a look at topic descriptions on the event website and the keywords before making your choice.
- Topic 1. Making One Health happen: designing suitable legal, governance and policy frameworks
- Topic 2. Striking the right balance: healthy environments, resilient and productive agrifood systems
- Topic 3. Controlling and eliminating zoonotic diseases
- Topic 4. Curbing the silent AMR pandemic
- Topic 5. Early detection and characterisation of new emerging pathogens
- Topic 6. From One Health signaling, surveillance to response
Further information about the programme, including keynote speakers, panel discussion topics, and workshops will become available in January.
Please note that the submission of your abstract does not entail registration: registration for the symposium will also be possible in January. Stay tuned for further announcements.
Paradigm shifts for Global One Health
Greater resilience requires transformations and integration
On 23-25 April 2024, Wageningen University & Research (WUR), the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Global One Health Research Partnership (GOH-RP) will convene the international symposium “Paradigm shifts for Global One Health”. We welcome researchers, decision makers and One Health practitioners to join us for this action oriented meeting. The first two days will comprise of plenary talks and discussions, offering many opportunities for interaction and for participants to present ongoing research. On April 25th, the spotlight will be on One Health PhD students, and there is time for workshops to facilitate future collaborations. Come join us and participate!
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Also, if you have not done this already, you can register your interest to receive updates as they become available.