Dr Joanna McKenzie
OHA Co-director
Dr Joanna McKenzie is a One Health Epidemiology and International Development specialist in the mEpiLab, School of Veterinary Science, Massey University, New Zealand. Joanna is leading a Massey consortium implementing a Regional Grant to strengthen One Health AMR and AMU surveillance and stewardship in South Asia under the UK Department of Health and Social Care’s Fleming Fund AMR programme in Africa and Asia. She has been a One Health consultant to Mott MacDonald, Management Agent for the Fleming Fund, since inception of the programme in 2017. In addition, she is the One Health Specialist for the COMBAT-AMR programme to mitigate AMR in the South Pacific, funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia. Joanna represents Massey in the Global One Health Research Partnership, a consortium of universities developing collaborative research opportunities that address global one health issues.